Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My Tattoos series part four

So this is the first one! It is an angel wing lotus. I wanted it in black and gray, the flower is naturally white. When I showed some people I knew, the first thing a lot of them said is " when are you going to add the color?" really? It isn't pretty as it is? Oh well.

You can see all the gummy stuff from the tape, so this is when it was brand new. why don't I have a current one? I don't get a lot of pictures of myself. David doesn't really use his camera, and I am usually taking the pictures. I have tried to have David use my camera and it's funny, for some reason he can't figure it out. This is actually him using my old camera (a Sony). I own a a Nikon now, and it's not one of the fancy ones, but I like it so much better than my old one.
So that's what I got for tattoos, right now. I have bunches of ideas, but I need the funds. I also don't think I will get all the stuff I have ideas of. Right now I am pretty satisfied with what I have. It may be a while before I get anymore. Certainly price is what slows me down. BUT I do feel you pay for what you get. I want awesome art on me, and I am happy to pay for that art. I have a cousin who gets work from her friend, and she brags about getting a discount. Not to be mean or rude, but the art isn't great, the lines are blurry, and there is no definition. It does not make me say wow. As long as she is happy with what she got.
My sister wants to get tattoos, and I keep telling her to make sure she likes the work they do, the place is clean, and they use an autoclave all the time. In the end what she decides to do is up to her.

Well have some fun today!

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