Shocking morning for me. I went and sat down at the computer, I thought I would balance my checking account. I found an odd charge that just went through this morning. I don't know the website, and it is supposedly based in California. I called up my bank, and was told it was authorized on Monday. No I worked all day, and didn't even use the computer that day. I have to cancel my card, and go to a branch to get a new one. But the biggest thing is I feel very shaken, and angry that someone, would steal from me. I thought I have been so careful with my card. Clearly someone found a way to get it. They didn't clear out my account, but it's my money, and if I hadn't been paying attention how long before I would have lost a whole lot more. I am in no way rich, and my job is cutting back on hours. I am trying my best to cut back, and save, because the winter job, just doesn't pay as much. It reminds me again, of how people can treat each other. I am sound a bit dramatic, but I have worked at a bank, and I had one member who came in adamant that the check that came in the mail, was real. We tried our best to explain it is a scam, she even told us she had called the number and they said it was real (of course they would!). But she was desperate to believe. There was a hold put on it, to try and protect, and by the end of the month, the check kicked back.
I am just so glad I found it this morning and took care of it, I may not get that money back, but I still have enough to pay my bills, so I made out pretty lucky compared to what has happened to some people. Hopefully the rest of my day can be much brighter.
There is a truck coming in today, hopefully they will come early, so we are not unloading plants in too much heat. There will also be a lot of watering today. At least it shouldn't be as hot as it was on Monday, but still the humidity!
I did find my camera (hooray!), but the birds have flown from the nest (oh well). It would have been neat to at least have seen them learn to fly, and take off.
I leave you with a picture from one of the drives that David and I took.

thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog! glad to have you reading if you find it inspiring, it always warms my heart to know i touched someone in even a little way just by being me and writing, so thank you...